The slow roll into these (much anticipated) events has begun. It is openly available on the net but few patriots are following events at GITMO closely enough to know about it.
Suggest RealRawNews correlated with MonkeyWerx. ADS-B confirms the activity at GITMO.
Do your own enlarging circle of research and don't forget how RBG was "kept alive" for months after she was really ded. Doing that is a piece of cake for the msm.
We're in full control. The seemingly endless delay is only to help awaken some more normies.
The slow roll into these (much anticipated) events has begun. It is openly available on the net but few patriots are following events at GITMO closely enough to know about it.
Suggest RealRawNews correlated with MonkeyWerx. ADS-B confirms the activity at GITMO.
Do your own enlarging circle of research and don't forget how RBG was "kept alive" for months after she was really ded. Doing that is a piece of cake for the msm.
We're in full control. The seemingly endless delay is only to help awaken some more normies.
Stock popcorn for the coming shortage.
I hope it turns into this kind of roll