I am reading "Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution" at the moment. This book provides an excellent history of the political actions and the Supreme Court decisions that have led us from the Founders' vision of a free and fair society to the nearly socialist state we find ourselves in. It is a fast enough read to avoid being boring, but detailed enough to give meaningful insight and understanding, from Wilson's migration to a "modern government" not tied to "old and obsolete" constitutional principles; to FDR threatening to pack the court if not allowed to implement his New Deal programs; how the 14th amendment was subverted, leading to to more destructive civil rights legislation; the "creation" of new rights such as abortion; and many others.
The most interesting point to me was the reliance on 'stare decis', even when earlier court decisions were clearly in error, leading to multiple layers of erroneous decisions, and Thomas' belief that we must go back and undo the erroneous rulings in order to restore our Constitutional Republic.
The book really does illuminate the constitutional root causes and implications of much of what we are living through right now. Highly recommended.
Friedrich Schiller said it 200 years ago in his play William Tell. Btw All MSM will delete this, when I use it as a comment:
No, the power of tyrants has a limit:
When the oppressed can find rights nowhere,
When the burden becomes intolerable
he reaches Up full of hope to the heavens
And retrieves his eternal rights,
That hover above, inalienable
And indestructible like the stars themselves
The ancient state of nature returns,
Where human stands across from human
As the last resort, where no other
Will serve, he has his sword
The greatest of goods we may defend
Against violence We stand before our land,
We defend our women, our children!