What's going on, I'm still not getting the jab
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So disappointed I can’t even. Really? WTF is happening to these people?
No thanks.
The vaxx is not only an IQ test of a test of dignity.
For those that took the vaxx their only hope now is to rebuild natural immunity and stop taking additional boosters.
Regardless of how many people they trot out....friend or foe, I'm not taking it. I don't like Gates or Soros. They have proven through words and deeds what they want to do to this country and the world. The fact that those two are neck deep in vaccine companies, hating America and the human race, using communist propaganda, paid off officials, stoking hate and division for the purpose of population reduction and control and ultimately destroying us, our culture and history...NO FUCKING THANKS. I don't trust them on any level about anything, especially the health and safety of me or my family.
Not getting it either!!!
I’m going to trust people that stole my vote?...Riiiiight!