General Flynn: “Confess And Get A Reduced Sentence”....
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The ONLY type of evidence that can break through the years of MSM propaganda programming for the sheeple are the guilty confessing to their crimes. Those confessions must also be verifiable to prove they are true and accurate.
Nothing else will be believed by the sheeple, no matter how well documented the evidence may be. The only way to get confessions is to cut deals for the small fry.
Confessions are a problem in the age of deep fakes and synthesized audio recordings.
I know it sounds crazy, but the indoctrinated will find any excuse not to believe the confessions.
I once heard a great theory (might have been from GAW or the chans) about why Julian Assange is so feared, and why he is still not a member of the Clinton Hit List. The theory was that as of the mid 2010's, when the deep fake technology was starting to get really good, suddenly the Cabal's strategy of blackmail video footage became useless in light of the fact that such videos could easily be faked. Assange, having collected a treasure trove of blackmail predating the deep fake technology, was then and now one of the only people (perhaps McAfee as well) in the world in possession of the original blackmail material.