Search for Qanon | Week 1 -- This marks the beginning of my weekly search for meet-up groups of the White Supremacist, Neo Nazi group known as Qanon. Today takes me to the plains of the midwest, where I encounter a vile tumbleweed known for spreading climate misinformation on Twitter.

As I scanned the horizon, looking for the dreaded cult of Qanon, I knew it was only a matter of time before I uncovered the vile secret meetings of this group.
I knew at an instant I had encountered a callsign of the Qanons. The tumbleweed, a critical sign of white supremacy and bigotry, crossed my path. Following it would lead me to the hidden and nomadic meetings every Qanon attends on a frequent basis.
The red and white signs, neo-nazi markers, informed me that the location was directly between the two, on the horizon from where the tumbleweed stood.
Alas, despite running through the field for 10 minutes to the meet-up, I ran out of my soy-latte flavored energy bars and had to return to my Prius to get those essential phytoestrogens. This caused me to be late and miss the meeting.
Signs existed of the group's recent attendance. For one, I'm certain two pennies I found in the dirt near a yield sign was a message for any Qanons that missed the meeting that the next one will be delayed for 2 days. I have that much time to divulge the next locale.
Until next time!