To be clear, I am not taking the vaccine. I am also not promoting it, it’s hurting too many people and does nothing to stop covid. I think it makes covid worse, not better. But Q did tell us to think independently and logically:
But hear me out, non-vaxx and folks the most resistant to any new vaxx are mostly conservative. So help me understand why anyone thinks that the DS would first kill off their rabid followers?
And also for the record, if that really is the plan, let DS kill them off their primary support. I’m good with far less liberals, LGBQXYZ, and brain dead sheep.
So, my only thought on why they are pushing so much for folks to take the vaxx is simply to set a legal precedence and start a new era in forced medications. Maybe this first one isn’t so bad but the next one you will have to submit your vaxx passport along with your voter registration to determine which vaxx you get.
It ruins the resilience of society if productive people have to look after injured people. Gov policy has been to ruin resilience of society in other ways so they can install communism. It is consistent.