In a nutshell, pooled testing allows up to 10 tests to be pooled together. So if 9 healthy people are pooled with 1 truly positive test, all 10 tests will give a positive result.
Just another Deep State way to control spikes as needed for political control.
They get to decide, which areas of the country are spiking, whenever they want by using more or less pooled testing.
Bullshit flag thrown (not at you).
I'm buying lots of rope.
Find me some trees.
This ends now or never.
Do NOT let them tell you masks are now required since they don't work.
Do NOT let them tell you social distancing works.
Do NOT let them tell you lockdowns work.
Been there. Done that. Got the complimentary Alaska facemask from my sister. Very stylish, by the way, with a bear and the northern lights...
Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result.
Stop the insanity.
Its that simple.