I think an irreversible platelet inhibitor like Aspirin would be useful. When the problem finally becomes known outside of "conspiracy" circles, I can imagine that more high-tech treatments will be developed. I haven't had time to listen to the entire video, but if I recall correctly, the spike protein lines the endothelial walls and causes platelets to adhere and cross-link, causing clots. Targeting the platelets themselves via Aspirin would be the earliest, easiest, and safest treatment at this point. For the record, I am NOT a vascular surgeon so would defer to better minds on this if anyone else has input.
I heard NAC has been banned but just read something that L-Cysteine, which is still around, will be converted in the body to NAC. More than 7gm/day can be harmful, if this article, is true I can see it getting banned too. Brb going to get some.
Interesting reading. Thanks for the links. The high rate of anaphylaxis with NAC would concern me, though the others seem to have promise. There are so many different potential parts of the clotting cascade to target therapeutically, that I don't know what would be best with regards to spike-induced clotting. Hopefully they figure it out soon!
If they are disseminated it becomes nearly impossible to do it. I know a good surgeon can break up localized clots, but throughout all of the pulmonary arteries and veins? Good luck. Prevent with aspirin or ginseng or something along those lines and pray that they resolve. Get to know a good cardiologist if you've been vaxxed.
I think an irreversible platelet inhibitor like Aspirin would be useful. When the problem finally becomes known outside of "conspiracy" circles, I can imagine that more high-tech treatments will be developed. I haven't had time to listen to the entire video, but if I recall correctly, the spike protein lines the endothelial walls and causes platelets to adhere and cross-link, causing clots. Targeting the platelets themselves via Aspirin would be the earliest, easiest, and safest treatment at this point. For the record, I am NOT a vascular surgeon so would defer to better minds on this if anyone else has input.
Ginseng too. https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S1226845319301332?token=7552B73E45443A9376CFE50BA8518825E86E7C04C4A96C80EC5763F5E812467F7DEE60FE1375F2105612B901C11F20F7&originRegion=us-east-1&originCreation=20210727182621
More to the point, how to break up clots while small?
Looking into thrombolytics, guess what, it's N-acetylcysteine for a start https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/epub/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.027290
but it may not be an all around drug https://www.ashclinicalnews.org/meeting-news/n-acetylcysteine-increases-platelet-counts-in-patients-with-thrombotic-thrombocytopenia-purpura/
I heard NAC has been banned but just read something that L-Cysteine, which is still around, will be converted in the body to NAC. More than 7gm/day can be harmful, if this article, is true I can see it getting banned too. Brb going to get some. https://www.livestrong.com/article/509405-dangers-of-taking-l-cysteine/
Here's a chemical relative, another cysteine, that also affects clotting. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33050855/
Interesting reading. Thanks for the links. The high rate of anaphylaxis with NAC would concern me, though the others seem to have promise. There are so many different potential parts of the clotting cascade to target therapeutically, that I don't know what would be best with regards to spike-induced clotting. Hopefully they figure it out soon!
If they are disseminated it becomes nearly impossible to do it. I know a good surgeon can break up localized clots, but throughout all of the pulmonary arteries and veins? Good luck. Prevent with aspirin or ginseng or something along those lines and pray that they resolve. Get to know a good cardiologist if you've been vaxxed.