Honestly, I pondered on this topic all day. I have arrived at the same question that you have.
There is no reliable test, which is just some sort of presence/absence litmus test for some chemical marker believed likely to be derived from SARS-cov-2. But that is just a color change on a swab or something of that nature.
In order for them to delineate or differentiate the proclaimed "variants", a lab would need to sequence the RNA contained within a sample. The sample would have to be taken from someone who is "positive". This positive test would be derived from a very weak, possibly inadequate test kit or PCR.
Besides that, the patient world then have to submit a sample of their blood, I'm assuming. Then a literal fucking team of genetic virologists would have to isolate and sequence much or all of the RNA of the viral material contained within the patient's sample.
Not only is that ridiculously expensive, it's also very time-consuming. I also don't think that most if not all people are not asked to submit a blood sample after testing positive.
So, it is my personal opinion that "they" don't know shit, and "they" are making shit up at an alarming, break-neck pace.
Ok but can they tell that is a mutated form? I am just trying to figure out how they are classifying these variants. Or can they?
Honestly, I pondered on this topic all day. I have arrived at the same question that you have.
There is no reliable test, which is just some sort of presence/absence litmus test for some chemical marker believed likely to be derived from SARS-cov-2. But that is just a color change on a swab or something of that nature.
In order for them to delineate or differentiate the proclaimed "variants", a lab would need to sequence the RNA contained within a sample. The sample would have to be taken from someone who is "positive". This positive test would be derived from a very weak, possibly inadequate test kit or PCR.
Besides that, the patient world then have to submit a sample of their blood, I'm assuming. Then a literal fucking team of genetic virologists would have to isolate and sequence much or all of the RNA of the viral material contained within the patient's sample.
Not only is that ridiculously expensive, it's also very time-consuming. I also don't think that most if not all people are not asked to submit a blood sample after testing positive.
So, it is my personal opinion that "they" don't know shit, and "they" are making shit up at an alarming, break-neck pace.