Amish moving a barn - Great visual - Stand United People, we've got this.
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That one is a classic
...and FREE of charge! Solidarity at his best! TV reporter asks Amish folks why they do not have covid... answer = we dont hat TVs!
YES!!!! God love the Amish!! We sell stuff to some Amish people - and I LOVE how easy their lives seem compared to our lives! No technology - no TV - just living the life given to them by God! Nice!!
Little formal education past 8th grade, which cripples those who want to leave as they're unprepared to be independent in the bigger world. Shunning family members who leave the faith. Religious leaders with great control over your daily life. Yes, there are aspects to the Amish lifestyle that are very appealing, such as clarity and community, but most people chose not to live under such strict religious control for a reason.
The three R's, hard work, and simple living; What's wrong with that? Hell, they use firearms dont they? What more does one need?
Agreed - BUT, in times like these, I would live there in a heartbeat!! Going back o the simpler ways to live! I know God put here HERE and NOW for a reason - but I would have loved to live in the time of "Little House on the Prairie". God Bless!
What a great example of unity. Maybe we could seriously learn something from this. Jesus told Peter with the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains
HELP! This wicked pole barn has captured all of these innocent, harmless Amish men and it's taking them to who knows where for no telling what kind of awful torment!!
The video of them moving this is actually pretty entertaining
"Let go on the count of..."
This in San Francisco? Also looks like that's more than $900..
Hillsboro Wisconsin I do believe
I really liked the Amish until I learned they were major drug pushers in my area.