I already know that there will be people foaming at the mouth to say that E is a fraud. This may or may not be true and I'm not disputing that. What I am doing is surfacing information that is now out there in the landscape and might not be widely known as he only has 13k subscribers. No one is talking about this and it seems like the biggest news right now.
Two things are possibly happening...
E is correct and the data is bad with the intent to discredit the audits which are now starting to advertise it and back Mike. https://t.me/auditthevotepa/704
E is throwing out disinformation to suede people from following Mike. The problem with this, is that he's pushing people to focus on Julian Assange in the same breath. It's not like he's trying to delegitimize anyone or pull people from the goal.
Read below to catch up
E has been pushing people to push the Julian Assange angle and providing calls to action to further that process and keeping everyone updated on his status.
Recently, E has posted that the Packet Capture data provided to Mike is bad. https://t.me/TheOfficialE/442
Posted details about Julian doing the most to drain the swamp. https://t.me/TheOfficialE/454
Why the deep state is pushing so hard on keeping Julian https://t.me/TheOfficialE/459
That Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium is scheduled for the exact same day of Julians court hearing. https://t.me/TheOfficialE/472
Calls out CodeMonkey on not being forthcoming https://t.me/TheOfficialE/484 https://t.me/TheOfficialE/487
That we're being fed distractions so that we don't focus on Julian Assange
They want the legal precedent to extract and imprison anyone who exposes their crimes. https://t.me/TheOfficialE/491
Code Monkey has also recently been posting about the Packet Capture data and is making people question the details around it.
If Mike Lindell has PCAPs that prove there was a cyber operation that targeted the election networks, then first we need to think about how he got the PCAPs.
He's also calling out E for bringing up a potential NDA https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/893
Bill Barr hasn't figured out how to kill Assange yet, like he did Epstein, and MacAfee, and the women and children in Waco TX.