Meaning to say the jab doesn't protect others. Meaning to say the virtue signal the left has been using, that they are taking the jab to protect others, is complete bunk.
Comments (8)
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I, will, use, as, many, commas, as, it, takes, to, illustrate, this, point. In, fact, I,m, going, to, replace, apostrophes, with, commas, too.
The Spirit of Shatner is strong within you.
KHAAAAAAAAAAAANpop was... A... BAD dude. Who ran with a bunch of bad romulans.
When people ask why I won't get the vaccine.
I tell them. Once I heard the message of "Do it to protect others".
I INSTANTLY stop trusting this. They ask why?
I said because to me. That is a form of Manipulation. I then share them personal stories about my family. Where I have seen this type of manipulation in order to control us. My aunt use to mentally manipulate my mom. Until my mom had a breakdown emotionally.
Once I tell them that. They leave me alone.
There were some in my family (all women of course) who did a lot of controlling through guilt trips. However in my case it ended up making me heavily resistant to such manipulation to where my default response is "fuck you."
That's a fantastic red pill for them to hear!
The masks dont protect ANYBODY. Masks are just used to prevent blood/body fluid splashes. Its a SCIENTIFIC FACT viruses go right through masks like a fly through a chain-link fence. Follow the science.
I love to see the Oroboros getting thin as it runs out of self to consume.