I had a theory on when Q will step back into the picture and things will start (visibly) happening. Q bases a lot of things on Deltas right? Well December 8th is Q's last post (disappearance), what if (think mirror) Q will (reappear) December 8th this year? His last post was the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister, what if this is symbolic of no longer being silent and stepping up to make the game winning move? Just a thought.
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How about 8/12? I like the way that sounds.
The sooner the better. But also: does it matter? Wasn't the point to relearn and reawaken? Doesn't it seem to have worked? I think we won and the board is slowly being reset.
That’s what I was thinking too!!
Omg! The DELTA variant! I just got it. I'm too tired lately to put the obvious together! That's hilarious. The delta variant.
Very good point, might be alluding to something there. Just wish shit would start popping off now, my mom and both of my sisters are losing their jobs, and I know I'm next.
Question....what would be a 'variant' vs. a completely different bioweapon....perhaps more deadlier?
Q not returning because not enough people are participating.
I hope Trump is back in the saddle before then. What if Q dissapeared on 12/8 and JFK, Jr. re-appears on 12/7 Pearl Harbor Day and drops a few bombs after being nominated as Special Prosecutor by Trump??