Trust the plan. We have been told.
It has been very hard for me to watch what is happening to our country, especially the past few weeks.
- the infrastructure bill just voted on
- southern border...illegal situation
- all the corrupt politicians BS they get away with regularly.
the list goes on.
Anyone have any ideas/thoughts? it is gut wrenching for me to watch what is happening.
When Q says 4-6% lost forever...."lost forever" sounds pretty permanent to me. I'm thinking that's how many will die.
I know a lot of others interpret this as how many people won't break the programming, but there's always a slim chance that someone like this could be saved. I don't see this as a case of "lost forever." If someone is alive, there is always a chance, slim though it might be.
In context Q was clearly referring to people who were brainwashed and would not wake up
Sorry, but no.