Laws ONLY apply to conservatives and Trump Supporters....if you are a Liberal, A BLM activist, Antifa thug, or illegal immigrant laws do not apply. This shit is un fuckin some point we are gonna have to start giving them a dose of their own medicines.
That's because our common law justice system was taken over in 1934. That is not going to magically fix itself. The millions of illegitimate bureaucrats who really have no place in government must be removed--at all levels. An awake and educated people understand and know their history and how things are supposed to be. The majority of Americans think their only responsibility is to vote. That's just one huge reason why we're where we are. Our sheriffs are elected by the people but, for the most part, they answer to the state who unlawfully pay them and do not protect the people as their oaths demand.
The people are income- and property-taxed so that they cannot rightfully support their sheriffs and pay for tiny town and city governments that actually keep the infrastructure going and actually do their few jobs. We, the people, are supposed to be running things in our towns--our common law grand and petit juries, the committeeman in each county, and running our towns/cities for the benefit of the people and the few things that the people need. We need constitutional people running for public service offices, not demoncraps, republicans, and the rest of the political offal. Political parties create division and bring the focus on what party bosses want instead of what is constitutional and right. Picture an election with all constitutional people running..........what is there to argue about?
Laws ONLY apply to conservatives and Trump Supporters....if you are a Liberal, A BLM activist, Antifa thug, or illegal immigrant laws do not apply. This shit is un fuckin some point we are gonna have to start giving them a dose of their own medicines.
That's because our common law justice system was taken over in 1934. That is not going to magically fix itself. The millions of illegitimate bureaucrats who really have no place in government must be removed--at all levels. An awake and educated people understand and know their history and how things are supposed to be. The majority of Americans think their only responsibility is to vote. That's just one huge reason why we're where we are. Our sheriffs are elected by the people but, for the most part, they answer to the state who unlawfully pay them and do not protect the people as their oaths demand.
The people are income- and property-taxed so that they cannot rightfully support their sheriffs and pay for tiny town and city governments that actually keep the infrastructure going and actually do their few jobs. We, the people, are supposed to be running things in our towns--our common law grand and petit juries, the committeeman in each county, and running our towns/cities for the benefit of the people and the few things that the people need. We need constitutional people running for public service offices, not demoncraps, republicans, and the rest of the political offal. Political parties create division and bring the focus on what party bosses want instead of what is constitutional and right. Picture an election with all constitutional people running..........what is there to argue about?
This! Preach! ☝🏻🙌🏻🇺🇸
"The game was rigged from the start"
That happens when you are the one detained? Js...Idk if any of this 🤡🌎 is real anymore.