Also, speak to any long-term ex-pat Chinese who have been living in a Western country for a long time, including long enough to become a naturalized citizen of their host country (which of course would involve rescinding their Chinese nationality / passport). I know from personal anecdotes that some are being contacted by random Chinese people on social media platforms, especially LinkedIn - invitations to connect 'professionally' from good looking opposite sex, honey traps essentially (very unlikely these individuals are who their pictures suggest). If the ex-pats are a certain age, they'll also immediately assume these as attempts to establish contact by espionage and intelligence services with a view to co-opting.
Also, speak to any long-term ex-pat Chinese who have been living in a Western country for a long time, including long enough to become a naturalized citizen of their host country (which of course would involve rescinding their Chinese nationality / passport). I know from personal anecdotes that some are being contacted by random Chinese people on social media platforms, especially LinkedIn - invitations to connect 'professionally' from good looking opposite sex, honey traps essentially (very unlikely these individuals are who their pictures suggest). If the ex-pats are a certain age, they'll also immediately assume these as attempts to establish contact by espionage and intelligence services with a view to co-opting.