You can’t force red pills on others. The human psyche does not accept direct challenges to perceived reality very well. You have to lead them to red pill themselves.
“I’ve been following the debate about children in masks. But when I look at the cdc data on covid infection and mortality (make link), the number of adverse reactions (link) and the potential for significant heart damage (link) that could last for nearly their entire life it just doesn’t make sense. Can you look at these sources and let me know what you think of them? I must be missing something”
You can’t force red pills on others. The human psyche does not accept direct challenges to perceived reality very well. You have to lead them to red pill themselves.
“I’ve been following the debate about children in masks. But when I look at the cdc data on covid infection and mortality (make link), the number of adverse reactions (link) and the potential for significant heart damage (link) that could last for nearly their entire life it just doesn’t make sense. Can you look at these sources and let me know what you think of them? I must be missing something”