schiff_for_brains 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which one? Fumbelina Jones who can't holster a weapon and needs sunglasses more than doing her job of protecting Trump?

Ponytail girl who screams out not knowing what to do because she doesn't understand her job and is always crouching down in fear, instead of getting in between her charge and danger?

Or is it hairbun, who just kind of melted into the background when it was her time to shine?

schiff_for_brains 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it just me or does this read like it’s written by a dude?

schiff_for_brains 12 points ago +12 / -0

Either you believe that the British are voting to suicide their own culture that has existed for a thousand years, or you don’t.

schiff_for_brains 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. The slower the cancer metastasizes the less effective chemo is as a treatment. You can only poison yourself effectively when the cancer takes up the poison faster than the rest of your body. Lung cancer is another kind where it doesn’t work well.

Some lymphomas we are about 90% effective with chemo.

schiff_for_brains 15 points ago +15 / -0

Technically I am immunocompromised.

I was neutropenic during treatment.

Nobody wore masks around me.

I just avoided stupidly crowded areas while my immune system was low. I decided to skip an event that would have required a flight. I washed my hands more often. If I wasn't at nadir I'd go to a PTA meeting or church or whatever I wanted. I took more vitamins and minerals to ensure my body was going to be as efficient as possible regarding pathogens.

I had a flair from cold sores once (got an antiviral) and got thrush once (got some mouthwash for that). I never caught anything contagious from another person.

Masks are unnecessary, and most likely useless. Best it would ever do is keep you from getting a shower if somebody sneezed in your face.

schiff_for_brains 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's not the SOS's job to legislate or prosecute or judge.

She's an idiot for even putting this together. She should be running for free and fair elections. If she's distracted by anything else, how is she going to get the job done against the deep state?

schiff_for_brains 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, Democrats don’t support abolition.

If he called it The Abortion Act Dems would back it.

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