The existence of viruses disproved by 7 simple facts about virology
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The concept of viruses has always been a point of curiosity for me. The debate about what a virus is, because it is not a living creature, but some weird bad DNA code that supposedly just exists out in the wild. The whole concept is just hard to wrap your head around. Perhaps it is time to start looking for alternate evidence about what causes seasonal illnesses. Another interesting development from all the Covid crap is the facts that we are now realizing that anti-parasitic medications and herbs are stopping viruses. Quinine, Quercitin, HCQ, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and its myriad alternates. Why are anti-parasitics eliminating viruses? How is it working. Yhese ate the questions that need to be answered. Maybe viruses are really parasites? Sounds silly, I know, but without research how will we ever really know. There must be real scientists in the world that specialize in these disciplines. It is outside my area of science, but there must be some awake microbiologists, biochemists, or immunologists that arent douchebag shills