The flood/noah reference is simple:
Genesis 6:9
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God
Perfect in hid generations (root genes, genesis) he had unaltered dna. While the world around him went mad, they called HIM crazy. I would not at all be surprised if all the 'nephilim' of his day were actually just genetically modified humans. We don't know their level of tech back then. Look at where we've gotten in the past 150 years. Its feasible to think humanity achieved what we have in the past.
Then most all of the GMO humans/nephilim were destroyed by a 'flood'. Though, if it was a God sent flood like the Bible implies, it would have been fully successful. It wasn't though. And the enemy bloodline lives on to this day.
Point being 'natural law' or 'God' or 'Source' or whatever you want to call it, doesn't want us unnaturally evolving.
On Jonah, the great American eclipses of 2017/2024 bracket a 7 year time period.
They criss cross the Americas. They are nearly identical to the ones that happened over Ninevah, which scared the Ninevites so bad they thought it was God. That's what actually got them to listen (eventually) to Jonah. It wasnt Jobahs message, it was a double total eclipse!
The eclipses make a CROSS in the sky. A CROSS is the sign of the son of man that Jesus spoke of when he said 'look up! When you see the sign of the son of man, your redemption draws near'.
Now couple that cross sign with the OTHER birth of the son of man sign also in 2017 (the 9/23/17 sign), Oumuahmuah arriving in 2017 (messenger from afar), Trumps first year in office in 2017, and of course Q arriving in 2017.... I mean common.
And all of these events happening within a few short months of each other?
This is to give you hopium. The wrath we are witnessing on the enemy is not for us. Its for them. Since we KNOW we are to live bold and fearless.
The man of sin won't be revealed until the rebellion.
We are the rebellion. The man of sin isn't 'the antichrist', it's the anti christ SPIRIT in the world that inhabits MANY PEOPLE. You see them in your family. In tv. In SM. At work. Everywhere.
Christ doesnt mean Jesus. It means ANOINTED.
Antichrist means 'In place of the anointing/Holy Spirit'
Jesus Christ is more than a state of mind my friend. There is a reason he sent his disciples out to encounter demonic spirits. There is power in his name and only his name and his blood give you authority over those spirits. If you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit then soon enough you will encounter a demonic spirit within somebody and will see for yourself that it is far more than consciousness. Truth is the revelation of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, the son of the one true living God and his authority and dominion over all creation. It gets very real, very quick, when you encounter a violent and evil spirit within somebody, this is not just a movie and it should not be taken lightly.
Careful... you are relying on an authority that has been controlled for thousands of years by the Cabal.
My experience is all I need my friend. I was encountered by the one true living God and his Holy Spirit and it was an experience that no one can convince or dissuade me repeat myself, that is exactly why Jesus sent his disciples out into the world to confront satans kingdom(I.e the cabal, the counterfeit kingdom). Without that firsthand experience there is no confidence in your beliefs, it is just theory and speculation. I have seen the power in the name and authority of Jesus Christ and I have experienced first hand captives being set free. Don’t get caught up in fables and false doctrine.
Yet instead of being Christians cabal is anti-christian,satanist to be more exact...
Oh,of course they were (or even are still) using this as the tool of the control. However where there is darkness there shall be the light.
There is no Jesus Christ
There was Yeshua the Christ (anointed/chosen one)
Christ isn't a last name, its a statement about ones mastery of the mind.
NPC's have 0% mastery of their minds. They are mental slaves.
Christ's have mastered the mind, thus the matrix (womb/matter/3d realm) think Neo.
Most people fall somewhere in between, most on the lower spectrum, people here mostly in the middle to upper.
You are trying to interpret things into an esoteric view and not a factual historical account.
The actual historical is based on what you call "esoteric"
It's symbolism.
It'll be their downfall when you learn it.
Just a curious thought. As the truth comes out “there is no Jesus Christ”. Why then use and reference scripture. Your replies ooze a cultish view of a very misguided understanding of reality. Best wishes to your indoctrination campaign of recruiting cult members to go drink coolaid with you.
As long as I can enjoy burritos and not burritoes.
I prefer my mexican food toe free.
The term "Christ" comes from the Greek word "Kristos" (anointed one) that is used as a translation of the Hebrew word "mashiac" (messiah). Rather than describing a state of mind it describes one who the Jewish people believed would come as a king (messiah), or we might say, one who was anointed for that purpose.
An anointing does not come from oneself. Nor are there multiple "Christs". The term "Christ" is not analogous to the concept, for instance, of the Buddha--an identity in which all may participate. The Christ is separate from us. In fact, in Christianity, we believe that Jesus was unique--fully God and fully human at once.
To "master the mind" is not to master "the matrix", to those who are Christians. This would imply the unreality of a material world created by God. It is a kind of Gnostic heresy. To "master your mind" is not even an exhortation, suggestion, or commandment of a Christian God. Probably because the mind of man is foolishness to God. Or because the mind is more closely aligned with fallen flesh than with Godly virtue.
You appear to be attempting to bend both Christianity and "The Matrix" films into a pseudo-Buddhist shape. Everyone can't be the Christ (but the scriptures may wish us to be "Christ-Like") and everyone can't be Neo--he is a singular savior who no one else can be.
You in your own statement are putting two languages together Yeshua which is Hebrew and Christ which does mean anointed which is Greek.
The Jews of the day were multi lingual.
They spoke greek, hebrew and aramaic.
The three languages were intertwined in the day.
Not unlike living in los angeles, most speak English and Spanish.
. Yeshua Hamashiach means “Jesus the Messiah.” The name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which is the shortened form of the name Yehoshua. From this Hebrew word we also get the name Joshua
It is dangerous to say we are describing the same thing. People take things into an esoteric and theoretical place. The kingdom of God is at hand, it is before you and it can be experienced and proven through testing the word of God. The word of God says to test all spirits. I am trying to explain to that there is no other name that can be called on. There is no other story line that will set you free from your bondage, other than the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He was a man in flesh who walked the earth, who was crucified and was raised from the dead. All else has no power and authority over Satans kingdom. Read the book of Timothy and be careful about getting caught up in fables of deception and folklore.
I 100% agree, though i didn't touch on this.
On another note, I'm still trying to catch myself a 10 lb bass out here on tablerock lake.
Gonna get some new worms and try wacky.