Publiic Enemy Number One
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The MSM has been public enemy number one for decades. The majority of the people are just beginning to wake up to that fact.
The kabal's propaganda tool was exposed by Trump early on, but now they are assisting in exposing themselves.
The majority of the people will be at your doorstep shaming you soon. We need to be ready. This is no drill
They eat this up hook line and sinker
There is nothing false about it. If you are making your judgements off what the news is showing you, it is no wonder you don't realize how many are awake. They astroturf, and lie constantly to get the people to believe they are in the minority. It is a trick they have been using since the beginning of time. I am not an outsider! I am not the minority! They are the fucking minority. They just have a huge megaphone and a lot of balls. Both of those things are going to get crushed even if it has to be done down and dirty by the people.
I've been out in public every day since this began. There are already people putting their masks back on.
Granted, I'm in NJ.
I am in Kansas and went shopping yesterday and to the gas station today and was so sad to see an uptick in people wearing masks. Seeing them on kids is heartbreaking.