Most people don’t understand how omniversal, universal morality works.
All intelligent life forms figure out game theory. By understanding game theory, lifeforms learn that cooperation leads to more success than competition. This realization leads to universal moral laws like “tit for tat” or “the golden rule”.
In Star Trek, When the Federation sees the Klingons running around blowing up helpless planets, the Federation usually steps in and says, “Hey Klingons, cut that shit out!”.
This explains why some of the aliens that came down to earth had to leave. They came here, played with our DNA in order to create a race of intelligent human slaves. Other aliens noticed that and said, “Hey, that’s not cool”. Ancient Indian texts describe these hi-tech wars between different groups of alien “gods”. Some other aliens came down and said “Stop messing with those poor, weak earthlings.
If all aliens were really bad guys, they would’ve wiped us out right after we blew up our first atomic bomb.
Of course, until we, humans, learn how to manage our violent tribal tendencies, it’s likely that the aliens are NOT going to allow us to learn or use their interstellar space craft technology. Because as soon as we start loading up our nuclear weapons onto our human-built, faster than light spaceships, we become a threat and then they would have to blow us up.
Is this “God returns” event only going to happen on earth? If some humans are living on the moon during that time will they be included? How about people living on a Mars base?
If there are other intelligent biological, three-dimensional entities living in any other parts of the universe will they be included or excluded? Or does life only exist on earth? Was God only powerful enough to put life on earth? The God I believe in is powerful enough to put life throughout the universe.
Why does your God only come to our flat planet while ignoring all the other spherical planets in the universe? Or is the devil playing tricks on us with our telescopes that are showing us other planets in other star systems? You know, just like all those fake dinosaur bones that Satan planted in the earth, is that it?
Are the other Christians who are saying things like the above mistaken and only you’re correct with your interpretation of the Bible?
The existence of an incomplete body of scientific knowledge and the scientific process itself does not negate the existence of God. And a book translated and edited by mortal humans does not contain the entire truth of existence.