Most people don’t understand how omniversal, universal morality works.
All intelligent life forms figure out game theory. By understanding game theory, lifeforms learn that cooperation leads to more success than competition. This realization leads to universal moral laws like “tit for tat” or “the golden rule”.
In Star Trek, When the Federation sees the Klingons running around blowing up helpless planets, the Federation usually steps in and says, “Hey Klingons, cut that shit out!”.
This explains why some of the aliens that came down to earth had to leave. They came here, played with our DNA in order to create a race of intelligent human slaves. Other aliens noticed that and said, “Hey, that’s not cool”. Ancient Indian texts describe these hi-tech wars between different groups of alien “gods”. Some other aliens came down and said “Stop messing with those poor, weak earthlings.
If all aliens were really bad guys, they would’ve wiped us out right after we blew up our first atomic bomb.
Of course, until we, humans, learn how to manage our violent tribal tendencies, it’s likely that the aliens are NOT going to allow us to learn or use their interstellar space craft technology. Because as soon as we start loading up our nuclear weapons onto our human-built, faster than light spaceships, we become a threat and then they would have to blow us up.
You are quoting a book translated and edited by men. And some of those men decided to use that book to encourage the majority of people to follow strict moral codes that they themselves had no intention of following. In other words, one function of the Bible and most religions is control of the masses.
So I believe that the Bible is not literal truth, it’s a guide to be used to unlock your own God-given spiritual awareness. Sadly, the reason many people have trouble reaching higher levels of spiritual awareness is because that ability was purposely damaged in us by the “gods” who visited earth.
If Jesus truly existed, it’s very likely that he received enlightenment either directly from God or from the gods of old. And maybe the enlightenment he received is the system of belief that was designed to make life on earth better. It may be possible that people choosing to take the Bible faithfully are making the right choice. But call me curious, I just wanna know the entire truth and history of human existence.
My interpretation of ancient texts is designed to help people understand that humans were created as a slave race because I think enslavement is wrong.
When Jesus returns for his Church and millions disappear. Will you repent and accept Him then? Or will you buy the “cosmic universal purging of the ones holding back progress” drivel they will use to explain it away..
Let’s see, where do I start.
1st sentence is an incomplete conditional sentence. You should have used a comma after the word “disappear”.
You start your argument with a hypothetical belief which is an interpretation of a select ancient text, a text (the Bible) that has been translated, altered and edited by men.
So, when Jesus returns, is he only returning to the planet earth, or is he returning to the entire three dimensional universe? Are the members of his church only existing on the planet earth, not on the moon, not on Mars or not on any other planet in any other solar system in the universe? Are we assuming that there’s only life on the planet earth because earth is the only special place that God created. Are we going to ignore all the other ancient texts from other cultures like Sumeria or India that seem to be trying to explain how ancient aliens or other powerful entities (“gods”) also visited their civilizations? Are all these other ancient texts just deceitful messages put into the minds of men by Satan?
So many questions. Is that a sin to ask questions? Is there a certain knowledge that God does not want us to have? Should we avoid taking another bite out of the apple and just accept your interpretation of the Bible?
Until you understand that ancient texts like the Bible are the attempts of ancient peoples to try and explain the visitations of advanced beings who possessed advanced technology, you’ll never understand the true history of humanity.
And until humanity understands it’s true history and who we really are (a genetically designed slave race) we will never be able to live in peace with each other.