The fucking tests can’t even tell covid from influenza, so that part is bullshit.
The only way they would know there is a new variant is if it was engineered and newly released by Wuhan/Fauci or one of his liberal fucking colleges that helped. If this is the next step in their gain of function, everyone needs to listen fucking closely.
Take your vitamins and nutraceuticals. Vitamin D 5-10k units daily. Quercetin works like HCQ. Vitamin C 2g-8g daily per GI tolerance. Melatonin and Pepcid have both showed modest help as well. Ivermectin works at any stage and can be taken weekly as a prophylactic. HCQ can also be used, although it’s better for early stages or prophylactic use.
As far as the spike proteins for vax shedding/spreading there is data to suggest NAC is beneficial. Dandelion leaf extract has also shown promise. I read another post tonight stating bromelain could be useful as well.
This isn’t all inclusive, but if you focus on the preventative meds I believe you will be good to go. If you start getting worse, go for ivermectin. I’ve personally seen it work And it works fast. Don’t listen to the MSM or hospitals. They want you sick and fearful. Fuck them. If any of you have vocal hospital administrators and doctors who have spoken out against these treatments: Organize protests and do what you can on social media to spread this info. Those fuckers deserve everything that’s coming and the fallout/outrage will be huge.
The fucking tests can’t even tell covid from influenza, so that part is bullshit.
The only way they would know there is a new variant is if it was engineered and newly released by Wuhan/Fauci or one of his liberal fucking colleges that helped. If this is the next step in their gain of function, everyone needs to listen fucking closely.
Take your vitamins and nutraceuticals. Vitamin D 5-10k units daily. Quercetin works like HCQ. Vitamin C 2g-8g daily per GI tolerance. Melatonin and Pepcid have both showed modest help as well. Ivermectin works at any stage and can be taken weekly as a prophylactic. HCQ can also be used, although it’s better for early stages or prophylactic use.
As far as the spike proteins for vax shedding/spreading there is data to suggest NAC is beneficial. Dandelion leaf extract has also shown promise. I read another post tonight stating bromelain could be useful as well.
This isn’t all inclusive, but if you focus on the preventative meds I believe you will be good to go. If you start getting worse, go for ivermectin. I’ve personally seen it work And it works fast. Don’t listen to the MSM or hospitals. They want you sick and fearful. Fuck them. If any of you have vocal hospital administrators and doctors who have spoken out against these treatments: Organize protests and do what you can on social media to spread this info. Those fuckers deserve everything that’s coming and the fallout/outrage will be huge.