To clarify, I'm not talking people who want to support Trump, but are afraid to.
I'm talking people who are on his side and would back him in a minute, but either he's convinced them to pretend not to, or who have decided of their own volition to do so to get into all the dirty little secret meetings, etc. to undermine the cabals from within.
Think reps/senators who bash him in public but quietly feed him info on the side, or who wait for the right moment to undo the Leftists' damage.
Dunno why I'm asking, the idea just popped into my head.
Think so?
Because she's not lockstep with Nancy and crew just like there are rinos there can be dinos.
Especially when she takes stands against the really stupid stuff happening.
I would like to see these reps actually represent their constituents instead of their lobbyists.
could be.
Could also be a dem in a Deep red district. (basically means she's fucked if she steps too far out of line.)
Not saying you're wrong, btw, just presenting an alternative explanation.