yeldarb1983 16 points ago +16 / -0

this anton guy is a natural leader, and not because of how he schooled Paige.

Pay attention when everybody starts to dogpile her, and anton steps in takes control of the situation. Everybody immediately calms down and lets him speak, the minute he says something. that's natural charisma and leadership right there.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't it obvious?

Biden's brain is too broken to continue on, so he's not running for president, and his handlers are delegating his authority to department heads, because he can't even hold the facade of competency anymore...

honestly, the debate may have been to much for him. His brain was already mush, it may have accelerated his cognitive decline...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

how old is the stepdaughter.

I'll give a pass to the teen for being a teenager (we're all kinda dumb at that age, I was no exception, lol)

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

nah, I imagine Barry likes his boys young and nubile...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

it's nice to feel useful, lol.

honestly, I'm literally on the spectrum, and while I'm frazzled like everybody else, I came into this mess well after the initial panic, so I'm basically trying to figure out what's going while sifting through a thousand posts. Dunno for sure, but I suspect it gives me a bit of distance, lol.

On the one hand, it's horrendous something like this happened, on the other, I think whoever was behind this just fucked up royally. Trump has always thrived under pressure, but they just made this personal for him in a way I don't think they intended.

to put it another way, "lock her up" might be more than a meme after today...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

...and the spin cycle begins...

It wont work, but they're going to try...

yeldarb1983 5 points ago +5 / -0

too risky for the Deep State. My understanding is the SS agents who work with trump are pretty damn loyal, because of how he treats them.

last thing they need is more cannon fodder turning against them...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's possible he wasn't actually hit in the breast, the first bullet hit trump, and he flinched. This is wild speculation on my part, but it's possible that when he did so, his unbuttoned blazer (which appears to be fairly loose-fitting came open as the bullet whizzed past, adding a new button-hole, but otherwise leaving him unharmed.

Also, I can't tell from the photo, but is that an exit or entry hole on the blazer?

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

not a problem, I only remember it, because the implications make me laugh my ass off, lol

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

something to think about:

Trump was born six month after patton died.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

...if I were putin, I'd say shit like this just to fuck with the U.S.

whether or not he actually said it, that's my take on it

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

...look at the last frame. Biden is practically begging trump to go easy on him...

...and I kinda think trump did, there's almost pity in trumps voice when he says "and I don't think he does either."

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0


sidenote, though: bactrim is safe unless you have an allergy to it, which can be pretty damn severe, so yeah...be careful out there...

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

...and the sad part is he did shit like this twice...three, almost four decades apart...

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

credit where it's due, at least he had a sense of humor about it...

I mean, the egotism at work int he little snippet of the speech was cringe af, but yeah....

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

save some space on the grill, Imma make my jerky-flavored burgers and also all the covfefe anybody could want.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

...somebody be sure to point me to the crowdfunder to build mount trumpmore, and I'll kick in a few bones

yeldarb1983 8 points ago +8 / -0

president trump to seek wholesale takeover of the justice department

...did I miss something? Last I heard, the Justice Department was part of the Administrative Branch, and therefore already under the command of the President.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

One around each wrist or ankle and the other end around a separate horse, pointed in a different direction, then smack the horses on the flank and let physics do the rest

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

I knew it was bullshit, and yet I'm still sad whenever i hear evidence proving it's bullshit..

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

I seen an interview with Dio, he seemed like a really nice guy, honestly (bit of a dork, but yeah...)

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