Why cant i see Louisiana from the oklahoma devon tower? Because the curvature of the earth prevents me. Why can i watch boats dissappear over the horizon a couple miles off shore on a calm day, with no amount of zooming bringing them back into view? They disappear over the curve. Why can i literally see a curve in the earth when i fly on a plane? Personal experience says flat earth is dumb as fuck
Why cant i see Louisiana from the oklahoma devon tower? Because the curvature of the earth prevents me. Why can i watch boats dissappear over the horizon a couple miles off shore on a calm day, with no amount of zooming bringing them back into view? They disappear over the curve. Why can i literally see a curve in the earth when i fly on a plane? Personal experience says flat earth is dumb as fuck
Theres a ton of Nikon p4000 x200 zoom videos you check out.
Also view the Florida keys. Where theres mile after mile of flat still water showing no curve.