posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +351 / -0

So far 5 health care systems across Michigan have decided to mandate vaccine with their employees, they are all non-profit. Non-profit hospitals receive money from the federal government each year to pay for indigent care and cover care that is not collected from uninsured patients. I have to guess these hospitals are being threatened or coerced to mandate their employees or lose their yearly funding. So essentially it is the federal government that are mandating these vaccines.

I'm hoping the healthcare system I work (profit) for will not go down this road. They will eventually have to fire me if they do. That would involve paying me unemployment and defending against my future litigation against them. Aprox 20-30% of the staff in my dept took the vaccine (liberals). They could not safely care for our patients with a 70-80% reduction in our dept staff levels.

Profit hospitals are not reliant on government funds. If they mandated their employees, half the staff would either walk out or wait to get fired. This would affect their income. If you don't have the staff to take care of patients, you have to close the ER and stop accepting patients. We are already short staffed and they are paying big bonuses to get staff to come in. If our staffing levels continue to drop, this would equal more bonuses that would eat in to their profits real quick.

Non-profit hospitals will always be reimbursed by the government for any losses. If these vaccine mandates cut in to the non-profits financial outcome, they will be given more funding from federal government, paid for by the American tax payer. The federal government is essentially using our tax dollars against us.

We have to worry about the future of the health care industry. Non-profit hospitals make up a large percentage of the industry. I see these non-profit hospitals folding in the near future. They are driving out all the anti-vax people and from what I read, all their remaining employees have the future possibility of succumbing to their vaccinations. I see a crisis on the horizon for the future of medicine but on the other hand lots of bonuses for me.

I suggest anyone being placed under vaccine mandates, make a move to a "PROFIT" organization. Do your research, we are looking for help.

Here are the 5 health systems mandating employees in Michigan and proof they are non-profit.

VA health Care System is mandating employees, obviously they are funded by the government.

Ascension Health one of the leading non-profit and Catholic health systems in the U.S. https://ascension.org/about

Beaumont, This nonprofit network makes sure every child receives what they need.... https://www.beaumont.org/giving

Spectrum Health System is non-profit: https://www.spectrumhealthsystems.org/about-us/agency-overview

Henry Ford Health System is a not-for-profit corporation managed by Chief Executive Officer Wright L. Lassiter https://www.henryford.com/about