I was just reciting what General Flynn himself said - that we should be achieving something politically on our own, while everything plays out.
People here think they're useless, when they could be paving the way for a new America by building themselves or those they know and trust into political positions throughout the country.
He linked Q and JHTH. If we're being generous, he is a moron. Falsely linking Q and JHTH isn't healthy. It isn't being productive. It's being a moron. Don't be a moron.
You are counter productive. A negative.
Reminding doomers they get the rope is healthy deal with it.
I was just reciting what General Flynn himself said - that we should be achieving something politically on our own, while everything plays out.
People here think they're useless, when they could be paving the way for a new America by building themselves or those they know and trust into political positions throughout the country.
Thinking someone is capable of participation in the political process (instead of just whining) to rebuild this country from the ground up = Asshole.
Got it.
He linked Q and JHTH. If we're being generous, he is a moron. Falsely linking Q and JHTH isn't healthy. It isn't being productive. It's being a moron. Don't be a moron.
JHTH has no connection to Q.