Proverbs 1-5 are very valuable chapters with deep meaning, especially when one would move away from the regular explanations, and simply consider what it means to you. It is like an onion, and peeling away the literal, direct, obvious....
As a young boy I was taught chapter 5 was a warning against adultery. I remember a friend of mine having to read that out loud. He did, with a red face.
And in a exoteric sense, I understood why that was. And peculiarly, the moment I became aware of these verses, the literal never really reverberated with me, as I suspected a deeper more profound meaning.
But in terms of wisdom and knowledge, to me, in an esoteric way,and in the context of the previous chapters, it is not about the carnal act but the spiritual act of choice: our own fountain of wisdom that is often hidden and only comes into view, once we contemplate in the now.
Thank you. Excellent post. The spirit of fear is the devil's tool of choice right now. Keep your armor on and your sword of truth raised. Faith brings profound peace.
Proverbs 1-5 are very valuable chapters with deep meaning, especially when one would move away from the regular explanations, and simply consider what it means to you. It is like an onion, and peeling away the literal, direct, obvious....
As a young boy I was taught chapter 5 was a warning against adultery. I remember a friend of mine having to read that out loud. He did, with a red face.
And in a exoteric sense, I understood why that was. And peculiarly, the moment I became aware of these verses, the literal never really reverberated with me, as I suspected a deeper more profound meaning.
But in terms of wisdom and knowledge, to me, in an esoteric way,and in the context of the previous chapters, it is not about the carnal act but the spiritual act of choice: our own fountain of wisdom that is often hidden and only comes into view, once we contemplate in the now.
Thanks for sharing this!
Thank you. Excellent post. The spirit of fear is the devil's tool of choice right now. Keep your armor on and your sword of truth raised. Faith brings profound peace.
Good word
Godly wisdom > human wisdom...confer with Hod and he’ll give wisdom for us to guard, biblical values we can trade in for worldly values