2 Thessalonians 2
Holy Spirit, please lead my hand.
There is only One name under heaven by which all can be saved (Acts 4). That is Jesus Christ. I feel the time coming which we Christians are going to have to make some difficult choices in this world. You will not return untill the time appointed for the son of perdition to be revealed and have his short reign has been fulfilled. he will deceive; he will have a short time; the great falling away will come; he will sit in the temple of God and claim to be You. he will bring strong delusion; the world that perishes will go after him; few will deny him; for he will exhalt himself above all gods, but just the One True Almighty. Those that believe not the truth will be damned who take pleasure in unrighteousness. HOWEVER You will consume him with the spirit of your mouth and destroy with the brightness of Your coming. Many are going to be deceived and go to him. But those of us that are sealed by Your Holy Spirit will not be plucked from Jesus' hand (John 10). We are safe in You loving grace. Give us discernment of the time, Father. That we go out today with fresh repentant hearts and a new willingness of Your Holy Spirit to stand on Your Word. No matter the cost.
As we take this bread (please bless it). Let us remember how costly Jesus' sacrifice was. The brokenness of His body given for His elect (those predestined to be adopted as sons by Jesus Christ Himself, according to the pleasure of his own will, to praise the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved.) Ephesians 1
And this wine (please bless it) That we remember this forgiveness of sins had a price of blood. That indeed without the spilling of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9). This Blood gives remission of sins. Not to do more sin but rather to teach us to no longer sin because we were bought with a price. In such gratitude let us walk in holiness and put to death the deeds of the flesh. (Romans 8). And obey our Master. (John 14).
Prepare us, Father, by Your Holy Spirit, to endure until the end; no matter what the cost. (Matthew 24) In Jesus name amen.
Here's today's daily prayer thread too: https://communities.win/c/Christianity/p/12jd0AVslL/daily-prayer-thread-8321/
I pray the Father gives the Holy Spirit to you mightily and fills you with more love and peace, brother. I love you too because of Him. In Jesus name amen.