Because they don't understand it. They just think crypto=digital money. I don't blame them so much, it's an easy mistake to make and there is a ton of propaganda about it because it's possibly the biggest threat on earth to the corrupt institutions that run us.
I was anti Bitcoin for years. I fought with my son about it but lost the arguments because I didn't understand it. I finally sat down during the lockdowns and educated myself so that I could be explain to people why it was bad. didn't go as planned. I realized I misunderstood ALL OF IT. After months of hyper focused research I realized I wasn't right about anything. And now I'm pissed because I didn't invest sooner.
It's not something anyone can explain in one sitting. You have to take time to process it a little bit at a time. Now my son comes to me with crypto questions.
Bias is an interesting phenomena, we often hear "if somethings too good to be true then it probably isn't". People follow the blind trust instead of thinking for themselves, see this is why "fact checkers" exist. They take advantage of the fact that people are willing to outsource their brain and let someone else think for them because it takes time to research a complex topic and understand it.
I guess that's the problem with crypto, it's so great that people who know it almost act as if they where in a cult or something. And this is obviously taken as a big warning sign from normies who don't know how it works.
Then there's the scammers who make shitcoin forks which is essentially just another fractional reserve scheme and trick people into investing into something centralized, only to then run away wit the money. Those certainly won't help the cause.
Wrong, it's the fact that it can all be lost with one flip of the proverbial switch. We dont know who invented it, we have to take the liars word for it that it is incorruptible and you can't hold it in your hand. You guys spent too much time I. The digotal world. you can't survive without it. And your blind trust of it is disturbing because we won't stay free with minds that so easily accept any narrative pushed at them.
You don't have to take anyone's word for it if you understand how it works, that's my point. YOU have to take his word for it, because you don't understand it and apparently refuse to.
All of modern civilization can be shut off at the flip of the switch. You can use your argument for literally all technology, yet here you are, using the internet and power grid.
Because they don't understand it. They just think crypto=digital money. I don't blame them so much, it's an easy mistake to make and there is a ton of propaganda about it because it's possibly the biggest threat on earth to the corrupt institutions that run us.
I was anti Bitcoin for years. I fought with my son about it but lost the arguments because I didn't understand it. I finally sat down during the lockdowns and educated myself so that I could be explain to people why it was bad. didn't go as planned. I realized I misunderstood ALL OF IT. After months of hyper focused research I realized I wasn't right about anything. And now I'm pissed because I didn't invest sooner.
It's not something anyone can explain in one sitting. You have to take time to process it a little bit at a time. Now my son comes to me with crypto questions.
Bias is an interesting phenomena, we often hear "if somethings too good to be true then it probably isn't". People follow the blind trust instead of thinking for themselves, see this is why "fact checkers" exist. They take advantage of the fact that people are willing to outsource their brain and let someone else think for them because it takes time to research a complex topic and understand it.
I guess that's the problem with crypto, it's so great that people who know it almost act as if they where in a cult or something. And this is obviously taken as a big warning sign from normies who don't know how it works.
Then there's the scammers who make shitcoin forks which is essentially just another fractional reserve scheme and trick people into investing into something centralized, only to then run away wit the money. Those certainly won't help the cause.
Wrong, it's the fact that it can all be lost with one flip of the proverbial switch. We dont know who invented it, we have to take the liars word for it that it is incorruptible and you can't hold it in your hand. You guys spent too much time I. The digotal world. you can't survive without it. And your blind trust of it is disturbing because we won't stay free with minds that so easily accept any narrative pushed at them.
You don't have to take anyone's word for it if you understand how it works, that's my point. YOU have to take his word for it, because you don't understand it and apparently refuse to.
All of modern civilization can be shut off at the flip of the switch. You can use your argument for literally all technology, yet here you are, using the internet and power grid.