I was reading through some comments on this post: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/12jd0GCP85/cashless-bitcoin-and-the-devil-w/c/
And realized, I have shrugged off crypto because I simply don't understand it. For someone like me who is now realizing it's a good idea to get involved, how do I do it? It's very overwhelming, but I'm committed to learning. Let's talk!
"Digital scarcity"? 🤣
A scarce worthless thing is... yes, that's right. Absolutely worthless.
The idea of digital money in the past wouldn't work because you can always copy bits of data.
If you can just copy/paste inflate your bank account all money would be worthless because everyone would have them.
By creating a digital asset that cannot be copied, bitcoin solved this issue which is at the crutch of financial enslavement. Rather than be at the mercy of the Fed reserve which can issue dollars and devalue your currency. Bitcoin has rules which has to be followed, one is that there will only be x amount ever created.
Like a gold mine with limited resources.
This is why something that is both digital and scarce has value.
Value still depends on people wanting said object however.
Clearly someone who has read every whitepaper on every coin would know how the monetary system works so they know what to look for in a possible solution?