A lot of hate on for this man, which I can understand.
However ..how will we get ANYONE to come over from the dark side if they think we will crucify them when they do. They’re gonna get plenty of that from their dark masters when they flip.
As much as it pains me to admit it, we need these MSM types…from every country to come forward and tell the truth..how they were told to lie, how they were coerced, threatened or blackmailed.
I’d love to see Rachel Maddcow break down in tears and apologize on tv. Or Don Lemon…or ….anyone from the Royal Family…
I have been screaming for 3 years and 9 months that NOTHING will change as long as MSM tows the party line. MSM has our friends and family by the neck through their television shows, news channels, the movies, music, late night talk show hosts, athletes, newspaper hacks…on and on and on
We need to really pray for some brave heros to come forward…who aren’t afraid of being suicided because we will ENSURE they will have white hat protection. I would suggest they need to do it en masse. Hundreds of them…all the same weekend. Then we might see suicide weekend happen by the dark lords of the world.
We need these people to defect… and more than anything ….our brainwashed loved ones NEED to see and hear it.
Godspeed in your prayers on this.
God wins when we PRAY together for the “Great Reveal and Awakening”
A lot of hate on for this man, which I can understand.
However ..how will we get ANYONE to come over from the dark side if they think we will crucify them when they do. They’re gonna get plenty of that from their dark masters when they flip.
As much as it pains me to admit it, we need these MSM types…from every country to come forward and tell the truth..how they were told to lie, how they were coerced, threatened or blackmailed.
I’d love to see Rachel Maddcow break down in tears and apologize on tv. Or Don Lemon…or ….anyone from the Royal Family…
I have been screaming for 3 years and 9 months that NOTHING will change as long as MSM tows the party line. MSM has our friends and family by the neck through their television shows, news channels, the movies, music, late night talk show hosts, athletes, newspaper hacks…on and on and on
We need to really pray for some brave heros to come forward…who aren’t afraid of being suicided because we will ENSURE they will have white hat protection. I would suggest they need to do it en masse. Hundreds of them…all the same weekend. Then we might see suicide weekend happen by the dark lords of the world.
We need these people to defect… and more than anything ….our brainwashed loved ones NEED to see and hear it.
Godspeed in your prayers on this.
God wins when we PRAY together for the “Great Reveal and Awakening”