Whonix installs into Virtualbox in two parts, Gateway and Workstation.
Follow the install instructions on the Whonix site to install it into Virtualbox and torrent any file using the Transmission program in Whonix Gateway.
You can also use another VPN inside Gateway to sneak through Parrot's VPN, it must be another VPN than Parrots though
For Mac and Windows, please ignore the first three sentences.
Please download and install Parrot Home on a hard drive, this has a built in VPN/anonymiser which I believe is trustworthy
Download: https://www.parrotsec.org/home-edition/
Install: https://linuxhint.com/install_parrot_sec_os/
Install Virtualbox and download Whonix.
Whonix installs into Virtualbox in two parts, Gateway and Workstation.
Follow the install instructions on the Whonix site to install it into Virtualbox and torrent any file using the Transmission program in Whonix Gateway.
You can also use another VPN inside Gateway to sneak through Parrot's VPN, it must be another VPN than Parrots though
For Mac and Windows, please ignore the first three sentences.
I hope this helps.