Most of the family is un vaxxed. None of them agree with masks. We go to visit grandma who is dying in the icu. 2 at at a time only in her room. and the nurses in the waiting room take off their masks to work on their computers. We aren't wearing ours either. The supervisor comes out behind the doors to the ward. She yells and screams, to my family only, put your MASKS ON!!!. I say "so you don't believe in science". She yells some more The nurse, now behind her, in the waiting room puts her mask back on. I see this and am now squinting. The supervisor tells me this is "serious". She then fucks off. The nurse pulls her mask off. My grandmother dies a peaceful death, covid free.
I cant tell you what to do, but I saw a dying loved one face to face. no mask. life is only worth living.
A) what kind of nurse yells at a family saying their good-byes to a loved one? And how disrespectful to your grandmother was that? B) the staph infections running around in hospitals pose a far greater threat. My uncle got one that was so bad that it basically fried his brain. He died six weeks later.
I would file a complaint - there is a score that hospitals use as a consumer metric called HCAHPS (pronounced hi-caps)- but essentially hospitals don't want lower scores as it affects their Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement. The lower the score, the less money they get. Don't make it about the mask - make it about the fact the nurse made a difficult situation that much harder. Why not pull you aside and gently say 'I am so sorry for this difficult time; however at this time we do have to follow protocol. Can you please mask up while you are waiting to spend time with your mom/grandma?' Something to that affect.
Because anyone that emotionally intelligent wouldn’t be a Mask Karen.
The only thing I regret is not referring to her as "Karen".
This is actually really good info to have and share. Thank you.