From his telegram
I will be releasing a torrent file that should be spread to as many people as possible. Please only use torrent if you absolutely know what you are doing. It is possible to dox yourself with torrents if you don’t correctly setup your security.
edit: Don’t stay up late waiting for this torrent, it is still being prepared and needs hours to complete.
If one person holds an important file, that person is an easy target. If a million people hold an important file, the file becomes an impenetrable shield for all.
Some people are worried about deep state bad actors. Nobody believed that what happened on the 6th would lead them to being locked up illegally, but here we are. These are dark times we are living in, a great reset is happening, and people believe everything is going back to normal while also believe an event similar to the "Night of Long Knives" can't happen here.
So if people are concerned for their safety by watching a video that will DEFINITELY be kept tabs on by bad actors, I'd say we help them protect themselves and their families by giving them peace of mind at the least.
I guess, but it's not like the Deep State really needs to use this video to figure out who people are. They can literally just look and see who is refusing to wear a mask when it's mandated. They can see who is getting fired from their jobs for refusing to be vaccinated. They can just go to a Trump rally.
Cybersecurity is a good thing and all, but I'd be FAR more concerned with being outed by seeding this thing than merely downloading it.
Think of it like child porn. LE generally doesn't have the time and energy to hunt down people who download it and instead focus on people who are DISTRIBUTING it. If they happen to catch you with it, you're fucked, but limited resources are going to prioritize where they do the most good, which means the source.
Same with classified info. The government will be very irritated if you go to Wikileaks, but they aren't coming after you unless you start distributing classified info yourself.
If bad actors want to track you down, making yourself a distributor by seeding this thing is far more risky than downloading it. Peer networks aren't "secure" because they effectively prevent your identity. They just make sure that so many people are culpable that the chances of you personally get arrested are pretty low.
Which doesn't help if you're trying to avoid being identified.
Ok, you are correct on these points. Correct on all of them.
However, that is no excuse for you leaving yourself as a low hanging fruit. I'm not leaving my wallet out on the hood of my car in an empty parking lot in the middle of no where because I don't think anybody will be around to steal it.
Nobody on January 6th did anything outright illegal beyond trespassing. This is a slap on the wrist crime, yet they are sitting in solitary confinement right now. The government is looking to make examples of people for being lax on their personal security.
Chatting here probably puts me on the bottom of the list. However, if the government goes full dystopian and wins, when they start clearing that list out I'll eventually make it to the top of it.
So I say its best to keep yourself as protected as possible. No, there is no reason to setup a shack in the middle of death valley and recycle your water to survive, but its no reason to leave your doors unlocked either.
That's perfectly fair. But again, if you're looking to keep yourself from being a target, then the last thing you want to do is add your computer to the network distributing this thing. Downloading it directly and not becoming part of the distribution network would be enormously safer.