Look at this incredible linked headline inside that article:
Fauci Fears Variant Worse Than Delta is on the Horizon Because of Unvaccinated Americans
Unvaccinated Americans didn't create ANY disease, or any variant. But Fauci did. If he 'feared' this all so much, why fund it for so many years?
I'm still trying to figure who I rank more highly on the govt employee evil meter, him or John Brennan. Its a hard call at this point, which is something I'd never thought would be the case with John being such an infernal creature.
I watched a video back in March or April of 2020 by a very boring British numbers guy who very accurately showed that your risk level of getting covid was directly related to whether you lived in a Leftist controlled city or not. He isolated the number spikes in London, Luxembourg and NYC. Can't remember if he was using cases or deaths.
Ok, I found it. I got the details wrong. Made in May 2020. It was Brussels not Luxembourg. Like I said, his delivery is terrible but his work is and was irrefutable. https://youtu.be/imrLwM97i0k
From the video description: "Finally we reach a point where everything becomes remarkably clear, again - and not just because reviewing the Imperial College report has reignited my anger at the initial fraud. No, their own data reveals an astonishing and simple fact: the best treatment for the Covid-19 pandemic (or political games) is to move your country away from one of the three western power centres: NY City, London and Brussels. Practical? Sadly not... in which case, watch this, share the heck out of it, and stock up on pitchforks." pdf of his slides:https://archive.ph/hDGkv
3 African countries had their presidents killed because they were skeptical
Look at this incredible linked headline inside that article:
Unvaccinated Americans didn't create ANY disease, or any variant. But Fauci did. If he 'feared' this all so much, why fund it for so many years?
I'm still trying to figure who I rank more highly on the govt employee evil meter, him or John Brennan. Its a hard call at this point, which is something I'd never thought would be the case with John being such an infernal creature.
I watched a video back in March or April of 2020 by a very boring British numbers guy who very accurately showed that your risk level of getting covid was directly related to whether you lived in a Leftist controlled city or not. He isolated the number spikes in London, Luxembourg and NYC. Can't remember if he was using cases or deaths.
Ok, I found it. I got the details wrong. Made in May 2020. It was Brussels not Luxembourg. Like I said, his delivery is terrible but his work is and was irrefutable. https://youtu.be/imrLwM97i0k
From the video description: "Finally we reach a point where everything becomes remarkably clear, again - and not just because reviewing the Imperial College report has reignited my anger at the initial fraud. No, their own data reveals an astonishing and simple fact: the best treatment for the Covid-19 pandemic (or political games) is to move your country away from one of the three western power centres: NY City, London and Brussels. Practical? Sadly not... in which case, watch this, share the heck out of it, and stock up on pitchforks." pdf of his slides:https://archive.ph/hDGkv
The guy's whole channel has tons of evidence videos.