Edit: Here's a video for context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w58_rNmavAA
Did they have hopes they could disparage "Trump's Vaccine" and push theirs on the original time-line, after years of crippling lockdowns?
I think that could be a sufficient assessment of what is playing out now.
They didn't want a vaccine just yet, they needed a couple variants to go through so that, after 5+ years (like Trump keeps saying) of lockdowns and crippling policies, they can come in like a savior and easily convince everyone to take the "vaccines" to end the nightmare. I'm sure some of us, especially the family members we've had to talk out of killing themselves, would have fallen for that bait after years of abuse.
Maybe that was the original game plan and Trump pushing for the "vaccines" wasn't even worthy of consideration. I figure they didn't expect for a moment Trump would usher many of his own to their deaths. Hell, WE still can't even grapple with that stark possibility.
Is it possible Trump called their bluff, more than just because he could Emergency Authorize it and therefore disqualify it from mandates?
Is it possible that not only did he take the Hunt for Red October torpedo early, such that it didn't have a chance to arm itself, but took it so early that their snap reaction was to try to bury his vaccines in favor of their "vaccines" 4 years from now?
Once they realized the "miracle vaccine" card was played and could never be played again, they jumped on board with Trump, begrudgingly, knowing they had to take this one and only chance to push their genocide agenda.
Figuratively, I'd figure that is like Trump sacrificing his queen for an early check on their king before the pawns have all managed to leave their posts.
From then on, every move they make to escape check just leaves them in yet another endless cycle of checks, while Trump mops up their helpless backlines. The pawns (ANTIFA/BLM/MSM) are all still intact, but their NWO medical ball-and-chain is now shattered, the election rigging is exposed, their control on the MSM is obvious, and the damage to the border and economy are exposed to broad daylight.
In other words, he effectively reached over the board and played their turn for them, and they collectively shat the bed trying to figure out how to escape it.
Did I crack the code this time? Thoughts?
Okay, so something COULD stop what was coming, then? Because that was option 2 in my original post. The Plan is much more fragile than Q suggested, and Trump was forced to release a poison (and to this day take credit for it) that will kill tens of millions of innocent Americans because otherwise, the Cabal would be able to prevent the Plan from happening by stopping Trump.
In other words, you believe that the Plan requires all these Americans to die while Trump continues to tell people it's fine? That's the only way to save the country? That's the the plan of good guys? Release a weapon that kills so many innocent people that it literally rewrites humanity?
I'm having a hard time with that. Blockbuster movies have been made fighting bad guys who had plans that killed far fewer people than most of you guys think the vaccine is killing.
"Oh no, my Sicilian defense failed, whatever shall I do?"
Said no chess player ever.
Variations upon variations.
Contingencies on contingencies.
No plan ever goes "according to plan."
That's why you memorize every play and make sure you remember more moves ahead than your foe on how they will manifest.
You can hope your foe falls for the fool's mate, where no pieces are taken, but if you use it and they know what to do, you're royally screwed.
WE ARE AT WAR! And the front lines is YOUR DOORSTEP. I don't think you understand that.
Yes. They killed themselves. Not Trump. Trump didn't hold them down and inject them. Optics wise, he made it, sure. He promoted it, sure. But he continues to say "It should be your choice."
And, yes ultimately their lives are his responsibility.
If Military strategy determines that his compliance with the "vaccines" is critical to success, then it is critical to success. Period.
You can't save them all, especially when so many are gung-ho about killing themselves.
Imagine this: An enemy lays a trap to guard a target, and you have boots on the ground in disguise ready to intercept. You manage to place a charge on the trap to disrupt it, but in doing so it draws the attention of a civilian. The civilian goes up to the charge to pick it up. Had the charge not been there, the civilian would have walked by.
You have several options, but these are clear:
Detonate the charge to disrupt the trap before the civilian can remove it, thereby putting the civilian at risk of the detonation but allowing you to move on the target with coordination.
Let the civilian pick up the charge and risk blowing himself up on the trap, alerting the target.
Tackle the civilian, take them to cover, and risk alerting the target, putting your men at risk now the disguise is blown, which will likely cost all your men their lives.
Now, you might expect me to say "you do this option..."
That's not how it works.
Someone has to be a leader, suck it up, and make a decision. They have to make a call and live with it and the consequences. That includes putting ALL your men in harms way on this very sensitive mission.
If the mission is more important than the life of the civilian, the path is clear in as much as it is justifiable to the leader. That's why we need good leaders, who make the tough calls when no one else has the balls to do so. If you pick the middle option, both the civilian dies and the target gets away. That is unacceptable.
You don't have to like it. But that's reality. Sacrifices must be made, and it takes LEADERSHIP to make those calls. Nothing is black and white, people are in harm's way, and if you have to go along with a genocidal pharmaceutical company in order to save 300 million lives at the cost of 30 million, then you are going to make that call, pray your estimates are higher than reality, and take that responsibility.
Because if you don't those 30 million will die anyways.
That’s a consistent position to hold. It’s the same one used to justify pretty much every bad thing that has ever happened on a mass scale in human history, but it is logically consistent.
But remember that if you’re expecting the families of all those people to undergo the Great Awakening after being told that their family members, all of them innocent, some of them Trump supporters, needed to be sacrificed by the millions in order to save the country, you probably aren’t going to get it.
Your civil war won’t be against the Deep State. It’ll be against everyone in this country who thinks that killing tens of millions of your own civilians (or letting them die through inaction) all in the name of some new world order is… war-worthy. Those are the people Trump would have to take down in addition to the Deep State, and those people have every reason to argue that a definitional war crime against an entire civilian population is not the way to save the county. I’d be one of them.
Not true. Bad things happen because bad people do them. Good people should take responsibility in their actions to oppose bad men, but ultimately the bad people are the ones to blame. Bad people hide behind hostages. As far as I'm concerned, those people are already dead. Good guys do their best to bring them back to life, even if it costs them their own, but you can't expect the bad guy to let you win, so there will be losses.
When the American people stopped paying attention to who they were supporting in their government, they gave up their innocence.
When they turned a blind eye to the media spouting lie after lie, they gave up their innocence.
When they accepted TV "programming" as the real world instead of the physical one they live in every day, they gave up their innocence.
When they abdicated their duty to discern for themselves what this world is, they gave up their innocence.
I still don't think you grasp the enormity of the situation.
Everyone is a soldier now. Everyone is fighting on a team, whether they know it or not. Those who refuse to be informed, relish in their ignorance, and attack those who try to save them from killing themselves are the enemy every bit as much as the bad people who prey on them, because they serve them.
This isn't a Civil War between two factions. This is a War of each and every individual's mind.
The bad guys are so evil they brainwashed people to attack their own families, butcher their unborn, and rewrite history.
Everyone; you, me, and the normies, ALL have programming that is keeping us from knowing what is TRUTH.
We have all become child soldiers, after generations of living under the boot of the Adversary. Little by little, however, each and every one of us is waking up to the programming. It is our duty to take those lessons, share them with those still under the spell, and continue to fight back against tyranny.
Once people see the real Truth. The one Patriots are keeping hidden for fear of people ending up in padded cells, people will drop what they are doing and have to make decisions.
We are literally in a fight to bring people back from the dead. Not an exaggeration. They died long before they took the poison.
Do they accept their entire life is a lie? Do they continue to live in a fantasy? Can they trust the one who told them the Truth? How can they trust anyone? How do they even know what is or isn't True anymore? By what measure is Truth taken when all things seem unquantifiable?
At that point, we will be left with Faith. It's the only thing that ever mattered. Do we have Faith that there is an immutable TRUTH? That it can be known, and that we can still come to know it; the poor, abused and crippled things that we are?
You want to know what the real "Plan" is? The real one, that I don't have to fluff together from Q posts and speculation or Military strategy so you will accept it once and for all, or reject it and embrace despair for eternity?
You really want me to tell you?
Do I even have to?
You already know what the Truth is, and you still reject it, same as I.
You already know what the Plan is. And you reject it, same as I.
Because you refuse that there would be some that would actually stick to it in order to save the world when you are so to afraid to; that there are some that have put aside their self and honestly pushed further than you want to admit is possible; that there is nothing and no one to blame; that the only thing holding you back is your self.
"On account of the ten, I will not destroy it."
You can't save people from themselves, no matter how much they trust you or what you say. Sometimes you gotta tell people what they want to hear, because they would sooner tear you and themselves apart than listen to the Truth. Tell them and pray for them to listen to your whole message, not just the affirming command they feverishly desire to hear -- that they can be saved if they just do this one thing...
Pray. That's all we can ever really do, because it isn't in our hands. It never was.
Stew on that, don't write back until you have a chance to soak it in, and I'll be here waiting for your response.