posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser +49 / -0

(rec@uakron.edu) To:you Details Student Recreation and Wellness Center Members and Students,

Below are important updates affecting the operation of the Student Recreation Center, please read carefully.

Beginning 9:00pm Sunday 8/8 & into Monday 8/9. An event will affect parking lots 8 (upper ONAT lot) & 10 (lower rec center lot). Lot 8 & 10 will close Sunday evening & be closed all day on Monday. All visitors to the rec center should park in in Lot 1 (parking deck)

The University has changed its protocol to align with the CDC guidance and requires everyone – regardless of vaccination status – to wear a mask/face covering in indoor public areas (not private offices and residences) across all campuses effective Monday, August 9th. Facial coverings are required for all individuals utilizing SRWS facilities, including the SRWC, ONAT & Central Hower South Gymnasium; spaces includes fitness floor, gyms, rock wall, aerobics studios, track & locker rooms Facial coverings are not required while individuals are utilizing the swimming pool(s), spa &/or shower facilities Individuals requesting an accommodation pertaining to mask usage while utilizing SRWS facilities can visit our website to fill out the appropriate form Please visit the SRWS website for additional information related to specialized activities such as club sports, intramural sports & fitness & wellness programming

Reminder that it is important to lock any valuables up when you visit us. Free locks are available to check-out at the front desk for individual lockers and there are small free lockers for your keys, phone, wallets etc. available in the gyms and on the fitness floor

Thank you for your cooperation in taking these necessary precautions to protect yourself and all the members of The University of Akron community,

Student Recreation and Wellness Services


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