...and that nothing I believed to be “real” was truly real, I can let go of my expectations about life, and stop buying into the charade of consumerism and competition and the false narrative of what life is about.
I’m not afraid to die anymore, not afraid to stand up, to spend all my time spreading truth.
The truth has really set me free.
All the things I thought that mattered don’t matter. Freedom is my only thought now. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.
Any advice on getting the wife to wake up and support me on not wearing masks except.for maybe the doctors office and help me red pill her moderate left mentality. She thinks I'm a tin foil hat wearing nut.
My wife grew up without men around; women tend to need you to meet them emotionally first...had to first encourage my wife to put emotion aside and consider things rationally/logically (obv "be logical" doesn't work lol). You have to plant that seed emotionally first? Second, just basic stuff (this has taken 6 months). How big is a virus (single microns)? It's airborne. How big are spaces in masks (10s-100s of microns)? A human hair is 45-70 microns; they easily go through cloth... Doesn't make sense does it....SHE has to realize that first tho, and if she's not capable of being rational, you have other issues. **I am an engineer, not a marriage counselor. LOL ALSO...frontline doctors; My wife, hearing from a christian woman doctor, was somewhat convinced by Simone's videos...COVID is the flu, etc.
We're all under propaganda-hypnosis. EG. Why even discuss vaccines if COVID is the flu? Why freak out about COVID if the mortality rate is so low? The entire vax narrative is predicated by FAULTY information...
I guess I'm fortunate in that both of my parents were very practical about their approach to life. Perhaps bc they both grew up and lived through the depression era and WWII. They passed many of those hard lessons to us kids.
I'm not sure the hair point makes sense though, because if you put cloth in front of human hair, yes, some hairs might poke through, but it will greatly reduce the amount of hairs that go through. And the woke covid media don't claim that masks make you invulnerable, just that they reduce transmission, and your hair analogy kinda supports that.
To truly redpill them we need to make them realise that covid ISN'T real and is merely an excuse to get them to inject the microchips into our arms
If a 70 micron (diameter) hair can fit through a mask, and a virus is 1 micron, how many viruses can fit between the threads of a mask?
A lot. But let's say you fire a 1 micron virus at a piece of paper with lots of 70 micron holes, what's the chance that it goes through? Well, that depends on how many holes of course, but the chance it goes through is lower than firing it through nothing.
It's like arrow slits in castles. How many arrows can fit through those slits? Loads. An arrow is tiny compared to a slit in a castle.
But none of this matters in the end, because coronavirus is not real. They are reporting death numbers from the flu, notice how nobody has died of the flu this year; in previous years many have died.
From America's Frontline Doctors on masks ...
~Masks do not prevent virus respiratory illness. Size matters!
~Viruses are 50x smaller than bacteria and 1000x smaller than a hair
~size of bacteria = 5 micrometer (5 μm)
~size of particles in wood smoke (wildfire): 0.4-0.7 micrometers (0.5 μm)
~size of virus = 0.1 micrometer (Influenza and SARS-CoV-2) (0.1 μm)
~comparison: human hair is 100 micrometers (100 μm) (one million micrometers = one meter)
~CDC: “Cloth masks do not catch small harmful particles in smoke.”
~"There have been hundreds of mask studies related to influenza transmission done over several decades. It is a well-established fact that masks do not stop viruses.
“Part of that evidence shows that cloth facemasks actually increase influenza-linked illness.”
Bacteria are 50x larger than virus particles. As such, virus particles can enter through the mask pores, yet bacteria remain trapped inside of the mask, resulting in the mask-wearer continually exposed to the bacteria."
Exactly the numbers they projected were proven to be severely exaggerated over a yr ago. Everyone has completely glossed over that and still trearmting this like its a pandemic of a dangerous airborne illness
Unfortunately she'll probably need to hear it from someone else she also trusts. If you're telling her stuff over and over, she's probably just kinda ... desensitized? Unless something major happens, or others start telling her the same stuff, she'll probably continue to tune you out.
Those videos where people blow out candles through medical masks helped redpill some of my friends.
See if you can get her to watch some of Amazing Polly videos. She is an excellent researcher. I figure since Polly is a woman, maybe your wife would be able to relate to her. I have done the same with mine over time, who now realizes what a scam this all is. All it would take is for her to watch a few of the videos for her to start getting the picture. Once you start putting faces and names to this gambit, it makes a lot more sense. It works a lot better than just calling them "Democrats" and labeling a broad group.
Plant seeds then left the Democrats do all the heavy lifting for you.
I had an online appointment with my cardiologist, because of 'covid' they were avoiding office appointments. Video conference. There he sat by himself in his private office video chatting on his computer with me wearing a stupid mask. LOL. At least he didn't ask me about the stupid 'vaccine'.