This was about destroying evidence. They expected a shortage of ventilators because they manufactured the crisis in the first place. It was one of many things they were going to blame on Trump from day one. But he had their playbook and was 12 steps ahead. He got everybody and their brother in the US to manufacture ventilators even though I'm sure he was told "that's complicated equipment, not just anyone can make them, we'll have to buy them from China". But because of Trump there was never a shortage and never a need to buy them from China. The Chinese ones were probably guaranteed to kill even without operator error. He was ahead of them at EVERY step.
This was about destroying evidence. They expected a shortage of ventilators because they manufactured the crisis in the first place. It was one of many things they were going to blame on Trump from day one. But he had their playbook and was 12 steps ahead. He got everybody and their brother in the US to manufacture ventilators even though I'm sure he was told "that's complicated equipment, not just anyone can make them, we'll have to buy them from China". But because of Trump there was never a shortage and never a need to buy them from China. The Chinese ones were probably guaranteed to kill even without operator error. He was ahead of them at EVERY step.
Holy cow.