Let’s say your right and Q is a larp. Doesn’t it look like something is afoot? President Trump is having cabinet meetings and rallies. Why? General Flynn, Sidney Powell, And Mike Lindell are risking their reputations and whatever wealth they have. Why? A jet aircraft flew directly over what is supposed to be the White House no fly zone while Jen Psaki was giving a press briefing. Why?
Lin Wood seems to have everyone in the DS after him and he loudly promotes Q, again risking 43 years of reputation and wealth. Why? Arizona pushed forward with the DS’s worst nightmare, a forensic audit of a General Election. Why? Other states are ignoring DOJ threats of fines and jail time to start audits. Why?
Just one person’s opinion here, but the DS is worried President Trump could outmaneuver them. They seem aware that one of their moves could trigger a countermove that brings them down. This is why they cooled the 25th Amendment talk and will likely backdown on a lockdown. Whether or not there is a Q does not negate this activity we clearly see happening.
Let’s say your right and Q is a larp. Doesn’t it look like something is afoot? President Trump is having cabinet meetings and rallies. Why? General Flynn, Sidney Powell, And Mike Lindell are risking their reputations and whatever wealth they have. Why? A jet aircraft flew directly over what is supposed to be the White House no fly zone while Jen Psaki was giving a press briefing. Why?
Lin Wood seems to have everyone in the DS after him and he loudly promotes Q, again risking 43 years of reputation and wealth. Why? Arizona pushed forward with the DS’s worst nightmare, a forensic audit of a General Election. Why? Other states are ignoring DOJ threats of fines and jail time to start audits. Why?
Just one person’s opinion here, but the DS is worried President Trump could outmaneuver them. They seem aware that one of their moves could trigger a countermove that brings them down. This is why they cooled the 25th Amendment talk and will likely backdown on a lockdown. Whether or not there is a Q does not negate this activity we clearly see happening.
logical thinking.
made me feel a little bit better w/ this hopium