Nuremberg… that’s all the reason you need. Although, if you are fired due to not getting the vax, you can sue the heck out of Lowe’s. The potential problem I’m seeing is getting a new job afterwards. Listen: this shot is NOT worth it! It is intended to cull the people and has absolutely NOTHING to do with COViD. When you go to take the “test” for COViD, ask them if they know the pcr test has been deemed useless and is being replaced January 1st, 2022 because the “test” cannot differentiate between COViD and the flu. When going up against these evil sob’s bring as much factual information as you can to show them you are in the know and will not be lied to/cheated! God speed and strength! Fight, fight, fight Patriot!!
Nuremberg… that’s all the reason you need. Although, if you are fired due to not getting the vax, you can sue the heck out of Lowe’s. The potential problem I’m seeing is getting a new job afterwards. Listen: this shot is NOT worth it! It is intended to cull the people and has absolutely NOTHING to do with COViD. When you go to take the “test” for COViD, ask them if they know the pcr test has been deemed useless and is being replaced January 1st, 2022 because the “test” cannot differentiate between COViD and the flu. When going up against these evil sob’s bring as much factual information as you can to show them you are in the know and will not be lied to/cheated! God speed and strength! Fight, fight, fight Patriot!!