Its not always that bad. There is an ebb and flow to every year. Spring is busy as shit, mid summer slows down, fall is busy again, winter is very slow. Its predictable and the guys in the trades plan around it. You miss some things for sure but dont all wage slaves? Im an engineer by training but never worked one day in the field. Began my business 35 years ago, work side by side with the guys, and dont feel like I missed my kids lives or anything. The wife isnt resentful. You learn to plan around it. IMO its a good life. Hard work makes you appreciate the little things that truly matter.
Its not always that bad. There is an ebb and flow to every year. Spring is busy as shit, mid summer slows down, fall is busy again, winter is very slow. Its predictable and the guys in the trades plan around it. You miss some things for sure but dont all wage slaves? Im an engineer by training but never worked one day in the field. Began my business 35 years ago, work side by side with the guys, and dont feel like I missed my kids lives or anything. The wife isnt resentful. You learn to plan around it. IMO its a good life. Hard work makes you appreciate the little things that truly matter.