They have never produced the raw data to anyone (including FDA) so that others could review what they did, to see if their raw data actually supports the results and conclusions they claimed. We are supposed to just take their word for it.
It was not a double-blind study. The people giving the injections knew, or could have known, who was getting which shot. What if the person who was already coughing got the placebo, and the one not coughing got the drug?
They made their conclusions that it was "effective" just 7 days after the 2nd shot. 7 days. And they claimed success.
They have not told us if they used PCR to "diagnose" Covid in the participants, what number of cycles they used, or if they used the same number of cycles for everyone. Since PCR is now discredited by both CDC and FDA, this alone would render their "trial" irrelevant.
Their claim of "95% effective" was a bald faced lie. They simply said that 95% of those who got a symptom were in the test group, and 5% in the control group. They completely ignored all the people in both groups who had NO symptoms. This means they ignored the 99%+ of the people in both groups, pretending as if they didn't exist. The true "improvement" for taking the drug to prevent getting a symptom was less than 1%, which is statistically insignificant (and irrelevant).
They did not test to see if their drug prevented anyone from getting Covid.
They did not test to see if their drug prevented anyone from spreading Covid to others.
They did not test to see if their drug prevented anyone from dying of Covid -- and yet, as their 6-month follow up showed, MORE people in the test group DIED than those in the control group.
As I noted in another thread, after reading their follow up, it looked like they gave EVERYONE the drug, including the "placebo group," which this article also states. I was so astonished to read this, that I wasn't sure I was even reading it right (turns out, I was). This fact alone not only renders their "trial" irrlevant, but shows that their "trial" was a flat-out FRAUD.
The entire Pfizer "clinical trial" was a sham.
Why does this sound like THE SHOP from the movie Firestarter? -__-