Do you think it will be covert action, or that the results will be hidden from the faithful to play into longer goals? It really feels like something effin YUGE is coming. Didn't GEOTUS tell us so?
I honestly don’t know. Just when I think I possibly have it kinda sorta figured out, something changes. My gut says that it would be quiet and hidden for now. The sheeple can’t handle that right now. I could be wrong.
I’ve thought the same thing this week. I believe something big will happen, other than Hussein turning 60. We may not hear about it right away though.
Do you think it will be covert action, or that the results will be hidden from the faithful to play into longer goals? It really feels like something effin YUGE is coming. Didn't GEOTUS tell us so?
I honestly don’t know. Just when I think I possibly have it kinda sorta figured out, something changes. My gut says that it would be quiet and hidden for now. The sheeple can’t handle that right now. I could be wrong.