*Anyone remember Chris M giving the clowns notice that most MIL/DOD support would be ending for the clowns in America? Something the left msm wasnt happy with. That was due around 1/5/21 https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2020/12/trump-officials-reviewing-dod-support-cia/170651/
*Next. Remember around that date, the clowns in America got a new look, new logo, new website that looks NOT like a gov site anymore, let alone IC? https://web.archive.org/web/20210108100450/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/08/style/cia-rebrand.html
And some conspiracy theory types may say the clowns new look (which most agreed no longer looked 'official' ish, its now WOKE AF) could suggest a rogue unit has been cut off and is now recruiting openly for those agendas. Not me, Im not saying that. ALL Im saying is I agree its WOKE AF and THEY say theyre trying to attract from a certain group. https://thefreedomarticles.com/intersectional-torturers-the-cia-goes-full-woke/
Also for fun, lets not forget the DOD under DT, released millions of IP addresses to an obscure ISP that some may think was part of a plan and that ISP existed for that reason
Just saying, there were notable events that happened with the D O D and the CLOWNS I A. That indicate changes in IC/DOD relations, cyber ops. And the theory that MI is in control looks valid with observable oddities like these.
Wondering what anyone else thinks about the clowns makeover and dod cutting them off.
That's very clarifying. Interesting to see that things are forever the same--MSM media narrative is one of division when, in reality, the two were clearly aligned and would have ended up being a one-two punch (JFK then Nixon) essentially putting out the same or similar administrative accomplishments. The Cabal really put a stake through the heart of the twentieth century with the assassination. Roger Stone is, quite literally, the last politically active and potent remnant of that strength.
Your conclusions & statements here are viable as well as as frustratingly familiar.
Roger endures some extremely intense attacks. What’s more? He doesn’t do it alone - his family faces retaliation and endures.
Roger was literally poisoned w polonium - just a few weeks after a professional hit and run with a suburban was done and failed to take him out. All it did was fortify Roger into understanding the whole spiritual aspect of “how many coincidences until mathematically impossible” in that there was no possible chance he lived without divine intervention.
What I do have the pleasure of possible bringing into focus, for you, is what I have grown to understand as The Keystone that has been referenced so many times in Q posts and otherwise - and how specifically this Keystone has played into there being Many More Than Stone acting here for “Our Side”.
Now - glow-ish statement aside God has placed some collation points into my life that perfectly alleviate any bottleneck to my complete and unwaivering understanding of The Keystone. I say this as God brought Keystone to Keystone - directly - through pure providence. God did this in a way that the proximity to these “happenstances” are like God loving me so much he wanted to dunk on me and make sure my dumb ass didn’t miss them. He also went the extra mile as to make sure I was just close enough, with my own two eyes, to see - and unquestionably - know.
This Keystone? Family.
Now What did Roger not have when he was pushing through Sin - working with Black Manafort Stone & Kelly?
God brought a woman into Rogers life and she not only delivered him - she fortified this man into knowing God. She didn’t thump him - she was So Good, So Based Stone knew he had played himself and really dug deep. Stone was also, in the same timeframe, cia providence, pushed to DJT & Jesse Ventura. That’s another story.
Now these “Others” I Spoke of?
My father was a chemical engineer in Lake Jackson, TX and was working for DuPont. He worked late on a contract and noticed this guy was meeting couples at all hours. These couples were of all races and creeds. This guy was meeting them out in front of the building and ushering them inside. One night - a lady was visibly in shit tons of pain, screaming, sobbing, and my dad got called over by the man to help get her inside on a makeshift stretcher they used a coffee table for.
This man? Ron Paul.
My dad learned Ron was delivering babies for the poor and didn’t give two fucks about doing anything but bringing these babies into the world. He didn’t charge them. He just did the right thing.
My dad finally asked Ron “Why do you do it?” To which Ron simply replied “Look. These people need help & God put me here to provide it.”
My Dad & Ron remained friends - Ron stopped by one day and said “I am going into politics. I hate the idea of it - but look, nobody else, nobody else is saying what needs to be. I have to do this. I have to be the first politician with the core basic idea of bringing more people j to life than delivering them to death.”
This shit blew my dads mind.
Now - family.
Fast forward to Ron running in 2008. He made huge waves and the RNC monumentally fucked up by openly showing their corruption. That set off massive fires and allowed Trump in 2016. We audited the hell out of so much it’s the only reason the RNC doesn’t have Liz Cheney commanding everything
In 2012 they went after Ron’s Family.
They threatened that if Ron didn’t back off Mitt Romney that all of the medical licenses of anyone affiliated with Ron, related, blood, or otherwise - anyone that knew him would have their medical licenses stripped, IRS targeting, false accusations, the whole thing.
By the way this is what they did to Perot.
Anyway Rons family met and they decided they couldn’t - push back - in 2012. They decided to regroup and Ron would push Mises and Homeschooling.
Then in 2014 they decided, the entire Paul family, to push back and send Rand in. Rand was furious. You wanna see someone impressive? Rand is a madman. He’s got every ounce of ethics Ron does - but with a rugged street brawler personality.
I say all of this because you can not play this game unless your entire family is in. Everyone takes the punches.
Stone told me “I couldn’t have even thought to do what I am doing without my family. It wouldn’t be on the map. I couldn’t think of it, follow through, or push. Family is everything.”
Now - step back.
What are dark forces more intensely focused on outside of destroying the family?
Divided We Are Weak
Together We Are Strong
This is important to the family more than anything.
The Keystone: Family
I am blessed. Ron Paul’s Daughter, Joy, Delivered my kids.
Joy is quite honestly - a hero.
She’s got 5 kids
She runs a medical practice
She never even misses a single game for each kid
She somehow balances all of life and her family
I asked her how she did it - “I listen for what God tells me to do.”
It’s that simple.
There are countless good people out there.
Any thoughts telling you otherwise are not your thoughts I promise you. The Fallen lie so well that they can project negative thoughts into your mind and convince you that they are your own.
Spiritual warfare. All designed to separate us from God.
Man, that's a lot to absorb--not intellectually but spiritually/psychologically. Family. My heart is broken for Roger Stone and his family as I have read about Nydia having lymphoma. That he remains undaunted despite obviously painful personal circumstances is a testament to his will to go where God leads. He and she are in my prayers and thoughts very much.
I very well remember the hit and run assassination attempt on Roger. I believe it was three or four years ago and there was an effort in the media to make it appear that he was lying about the matter. I recall that the police did not or were incredibly slow to report to the scene, as well. A pretty scary thing for someone who survived and is vulnerable to further attack while waiting for law enforcement. I do not wish to speculate how deeply the attack involved locals and foreign agents. How many times has he been poisoned now? My God. I assumed that his illness during his trial was more of the same, but perhaps it was simple food poisoning as was reported.
God is preserving him for a reason. I am taking your words (and his) very much to heart. In my own life, my family unit is sacrosanct and the source of my strength. We are a communicating, active and defended unit. Tip of the spear, all of us. And we don't sugar coat the dangers to our children, nor do we dumb down our expectations. What Roger and the Pauls experience can be visited in some form to any of us who make ourselves targets albeit at a smaller level than their fight in the global political sphere. Everything you've shared with me, I will share it with them.
Thank you for the offering of The Keystone, and of the strength and insight.
God Bless You. May your Family Know Gods Favor and Raise Generations of Fervent Descendants with Minds of Glory
Amen, brother. I pray the same for you and yours. If you see Roger again, let him know many of us are, like you, with him in our prayerful support of his family.