420 TORRENT SUPPORT THREAD: Love him or like him, CodeMonkeyZ hints that a massive and important Torrent file may be about to come out. Newbs! Experts! Numbers matter when it comes to Torrents ! Let's get eyes on this and get everyone that wants to participate set up the right way! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +422 / -2 115 comments download share 115 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
qBittorrent is a good path.
Do you have a recommendation for a seedbox provider?
These aren't recommendations per say but are some available options-
You'll want to do your own research, and find a host that meets your price and anonymity requirements.
This is a compilation of providers that accept Bitcoin as payment, for example. https://seedboxgui.de/guides/seedbox-providers-accept-bitcoin/
Good info. Thanks.