Anyone know what happened to Brandon Straka? I do know he was questioned about the Jan 6th situation.
He kind of just disappeared.
Anyone know what happened to him? The walkaway movement was growing.
Anyone know what happened to Brandon Straka? I do know he was questioned about the Jan 6th situation.
He kind of just disappeared.
Anyone know what happened to him? The walkaway movement was growing.
Saw this in a walkaway group today:
"A MESSAGE FROM BRANDON STRAKA: Dear Patriots- a great deal of time has passed since I last chatted with you. There are a number of things I need to discuss with all of you. Please join me this Sunday night at 8pm ET LIVE on Facebook or on Brandon Straka YouTube Channel"
I just pray and hope that the FBI didn't turn him into an informant.
I think if we says something. We need to question his intensions going forward.